nightingale 1 x 6   [6]

Aiguamolls d'Empordá, Al Matá, Catalunya

22 JUN to 2 JUL 2013

Accounts differ about the details, and who became which species; but it is generally proposed that these birds: the nightingale, the swallow, and perhaps the hoopoe, all with vocalisations so distinctive and so indicative of particular seasons and inhabited landscapes, must themselves at some point have been human.

Escaping destruction of which they are finally both victims and authors, through flight into avian forms, they constantly reproduce through their songs and calls the structure and we can say: the life of memory

Memory, in the ancient sense of the term, which designates a presence to the plurality of times and is thus not limited to the past.

M de Certeau: Practice of Everyday Life, p82, note 7

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